Visit us


600 Beetz Rd
Mt. Airy, MD 21771

Note: The primary address for Gentle Giants is 17250 Old Frederick Rd. Mt. Airy, MD 21771. This will direct you to our main entrance which is on the other side of the farm from where the concert is held. Please use the 600 Beetz Rd. address to find us!

Contact us

(443) 285-3835



What time should we arrive?

Music begins at 6:30. To get the best parking spot and meet a few horses before the event begins, we recommend arriving between 5:30-6:30.

Is there handicapped parking?

The parking lot and concert are all in one of our extra large pastures. If you need accessible parking, we will have spots within the parking lot reserved that reduce the overall distance to the seating area. Please note that because parking is in a large sloping grass field the terrain may be uneven.

Can we bring our own food and drinks?

We will have food and beer trucks available, however, if you have special dietary needs or restrictions you are welcome to bring your own items.

What about seating? What should we bring?

Don’t forget to bring a camping chair or blanket to sit on! Don’t worry about the view, the gentle rolling slope down to the stage not only creates an amazing natural ampitheater, but also makes it easy to see the band and pastures full of horses just behind them. Camping chair and blanket seating will be split with camping chair seating on the right and picnic blankets on the left.

Can we bring our dog(s)?

We love all animals, however, for the safety of your pets and our horses, many of whom are in rehabilitation for various injuries or illnesses, we ask that you leave the fur-kids at home please. Registered service animals are welcome.